Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Health & Wellness Ministry

Calvary Church believes there is power both in living life grounded in Jesus Christ, and in growing in faith through the support and encouragement of a community made up of like minded believers.

At Calvary Mohnton, we know that life can sometimes present us with problems and difficult circumstances. At such times, it can be a comfort to know that there is a listening ear and a caring presence available for your support.

    • Pastoral Counseling: Our pastoral staff is trained to offer Christian counseling and resourcing to anyone struggling with any form of a challenging situation or need.
    • Meals for Moms: Not all challenges appear as bad news! When a woman gives birth to a child a lot of joy can be felt among her family and friends. But there are many logistical problems to be overcome as Mom recovers and heals. To aid in this process, Calvary supplies and delivers prepared meals to the home of the new mother and her family. It’s our way of sharing the joy of a new birth and making sure we welcome a new life into God’s beautiful world.
    • Prayer Shawls & Lap Blankets: Our knitters, crocheters & sewers stay busy all year making and praying over prayer shawls & lap blankets. We bless and distribute a shawl or lap blanket to anyone with a health concern or a need to be reminded of God’s presence and provision in their lives. We love to give these gifts to people who can use a blessing. Let us know who we can help or stop by the church and pick one up yourself in our narthex.  Gift bags and gift cards also available.
    • Take Them a Meal:  Members and friends of Calvary have the opportunity to provide one (or more) dinner meal(s) when a member comes home from the hospital and needs to rest & rehab. at home.   Often times a family member is busy as the caregiver.  The online sign-up, Take Them a Meal, is used as an easy way to get the word out and have volunteers lovingly provide and deliver a meal.

Memory Care Resources:  Living with or caring for someone with memory or cognitive impairment is challenging. provides research-backed resources to guide caregivers and seniors in the early stages of memory impairment through the process of finding and obtaining the care they need.  Below are a number of links to access this helpful information:

Senior Care in Mohnton PA
Assisted Living Facilities in PA
When to Consider Memory Care
What to Expect
Treating Alzheimer’s at Home
Support for Dementia Caregivers
Is Medicaid Coverage Available?
Is Medicare Coverage Available?

NVISION, a free online resource dedicated to helping people live better by seeing better.

Neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s can negatively impact eyesight, causing many seniors to lose vision as they age. To help seniors and those caring for them, please check out the links below for helpful information:
Neurological Disorders related to Alzheimer’s

Senior Vision Guide