Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Stephen Ministry

Members of our congregation or community may be dealing with issues of diverse nature. Perhaps the end of a marriage, or the end of employment, or the end of the life of a loved one ~ all of these personal crises might be eased by sharing with a person who is trained to give Christian care.
This is our object.

What We Do

Providing Christian care for Christians in need. This is our mission. We seek to help ease the pain suffered by others. Addiction, illness, estrangement, financial difficulty, or any other issue can be confidentially shared with a Stephen Minister who has been trained in a fifty-hour program to listen to and pray with a care receiver. Confidentiality is an essential part of the program. Typically, an individual may seek help or be identified by the minister. Then a confidential referral is made to a trained Stephen Minster of the same sex as the care receiver. Weekly meetings, usually one hour in length, will occur until a mutual decision is reached to discontinue the meetings.

**This ministry is in the process of being re-formed.  Please call the church office at 610-777-8441 for additional information.**