Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Mission Trips

Calvary Church members participate in a variety of mission and service opportunities. We make annual or semi-annual trips to assist organizations we have maintained long term relationships with, and are also happy to respond to short term needs and situations on an occasional basis.

  • Good Shepherd Mission Compound, Puttur India ~ Calvary has been and remains a major supporter of this ministry for over thirty years.  GSM offers free medical care to over 1,000,000 poor and under-served residents of rural southwest India. GSM’s founders began with a handful of orphans who they took into their own home, and grew the ministry into a hospital, several clinics, two schools, three orphanages, and fourteen village churches which are staffed by sixteen full time evangelists!  During the winter months on alternate years we send medical and service teams to assist in this great work of charity and outreach. Transportation issues at the mission limit our teams to 15 people.
  • Henderson, Kentucky – a Mission Conference of the United Methodist Church ~ Each summer we send a team to most poverty stricken area in Kentucky to offer support to families seeking a hand up out of their difficulties. We do construction work that helps keep families safe, warm and dry by renovating and adding to their own homes in the local area. We also offer fun festivals and activities for children and youth from the community. Our Henderson trips take place during the summer season.
  • Hurricane Relief ~ In partnership with other United Methodist churches and cooperating denominations, we send construction teams to the Gulf Coast area and the American Southeastern states to muck out, deconstruct, and rebuild homes impacted by severe weather each year. Several teams are formed and deployed each year.
  • Other trips are arranged and publicized as needs and opportunities arise.

If interested, please contact the church office at 610-777-8441 for more information.