Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.


Mission and Purpose:
Calvary United Methodist Church has a long-term vision of transforming lives through the children’s Christian Education. We want our children to experience the love of Christ in the context of a safe community, to understand the traditions of the church and of scripture, and to develop into disciples with a mature and solid faith.
Our purpose is to love and nurture these children as they grow in the knowledge of Jesus, embrace the Christ mystery, and know God’s love for us all. To do this, we are providing a dynamic and purposeful learning environment that will help them remember their Christian Education experience all the days of their lives.

(Sept. – May) Sundays: 9:00 – 10:00AM Christian Education: (Pre-K through Youth)

Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30PM Alternating Children’s Club (ages 4 – 4th grade) and Youth Group (5th – 12th grade).  During the summer months, monthly youth activities will be planned.  

Safe Sanctuary:

We embrace the Safe Sanctuary program for children, youth, as well as all those who may be vulnerable. A copy of our current policy is below: