Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Service Opportunities

Altar Guild

  • Arranges for delivery of fresh flowers each week, fills candle holders, and changes the altar coverings as needed. Contact Jeanette Magerman at

Calvary Early Learning Center and Wyomissing Valley Preschool (WVP)

  • Calvary Church sponsors before and after school childcare, the Wyomissing Valley Preschool, and all-day childcare in a state licensed outreach ministry program.  Supporters and potential board members are asked to contact the Center Director, Stacey Hanley, at 610-777-8552 (Calvary Care) or 610-777-1693 (WVP).

Christian Education

  • Our goal at Calvary Church is to Raise Up the Next Generation for Christ.  Teachers, helpers, mentors, crafters, artists and musicians are all needed.  For more information, please call the church office at 610-777-8441.


  • Do you love to sing? Would combining your voice with others to give praise to God warm your heart?  Adults and youth are invited to join together to rehearse anthems & special music on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8PM, meeting in the sanctuary and chapel for social distancing & safety.  Come for the singing, come for the fellowship, and come to have joy fill your heart!
  • 2024: Adult Choir rehearsals will resume in September.  Watch for more information.

Drama Ministry

  • Calvary Church has been blessed with an abundance of talented performers, singers, and musicians.  Sometimes we use them in plays, dramas, skits and musicals during worship services.  Contact Craig Caltagirone at if you are interested in this ministry.

Good Shepherd Mission ~ Our sister ministry in Southeast India

  • Serving 1,000,000 of the lost and the least through free health care, resident schools, orphanages, and the witnessing of fourteen village churches.  Sending your mission dollars here can change lives for eternity! Contact Helen Hartman at or Doug Pearson at .

Helping Hands

  • Church members and friends offering short term construction and renovation assistance, carpentry, roofing, light plumbing, and painting, as well as landscaping and other projects for mission purposes. Contact Bob Werner through the church office @ 610-777-8441.

India Orphans

  • Support one of our Good Shepherd Mission orphans.  Choose your specific student, either a boy or a girl.  You will receive regular letters and updates.  Change a life and lift a child out of poverty for $25.00 a month.  Contact Michelle Tomczak at

Mifflin Area Food Ministry

  • Held the third Saturday of each month at Zion Evangelical Congregational Church in Mohnton, our goal is to help feed between seventy-five and one hundred local families who are struggling to make ends meet.  Four Mohnton area churches cooperatively provide the groceries, which supply approximately one week of food per month to the client families.  Food donations may be brought to Calvary UMC at any time and placed in the lower cabinets at the “Donation Station” in the narthex.  To volunteer with food distribution or delivery, please contact the church office at 610-777-8441.

Mission Trips ~ Local, National & International

  • Calvary members participate in two long term mission relationships with the Good Shepherd Mission in Puttur, India and with Red Bird Mission in Henderson, Kentucky.  We also send teams to coastal areas, rebuilding after hurricanes and respond to other, temporary situations.  For more information, contact Pastor Nova at

Youth Group ~ Middle School and High School

  • Students fifth through twelfth grades are invited to participate in Calvary’s Youth Group ministries. Adult helpers and mentors with Safe Sanctuary clearances are always welcome.  To go to the Youth Page, CLICK HERE Youth