Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Contemporary Worship

Usually, Calvary’s Praise Team leads worship on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month (at 9AM during the summer and at 8AM from Sept. – May), providing an opportunity for members, friends, and neighbors a more informal worship experience with contemporary praise music.

Come as you are…for all are welcome in God’s house.

Calvary UMC is handicapped accessible on the main floor (Sanctuary) and lower level (Social Hall). Reserved parking is available, as well as appropriate restrooms on all levels of the church. To assist with your worship experience, enlarged print bulletins & hymnals are offered, as well as a hearing device, if needed. We have two wheelchairs and a walker available for use by any person requesting to use them. Finally, the lower level is accessible from the front side of the building (N. Church St.), with a certified chair lift elevator to gain access to the main Social Hall floor.