The service on Rally Day, September 8th, will be held at 10:30AM, followed by a fellowship luncheon.

Praise Band

The mission of our praise team is to introduce people to Jesus through music. That means we usually play wherever we are called to be part of lifting up our God in praise, including: Sunday morning worship, Berks County Jail, the Mohnton Halloween Parade, and other churches/events. Really, anywhere where we can help Jesus shine in the hearts of those who live outside the knowledge of His love for them.

If you’re interested in being a part of the praise team, please get in touch with Jim Hartman ( We typically rehearse either Thursday nights or Saturday mornings.

If you feel God nudging you to be part of this team, please let us know. You don’t have to be a great singer or great musician to be part of our team. The only thing we would require is that you have a heart for praising God.