The service on Rally Day, September 8th, will be held at 10:30AM, followed by a fellowship luncheon.

Pastoral Counseling

As a pastor, I am frequently called upon to stand with or walk beside church members who experience life altering events. Sickness, disability, and terminal illnesses can sometimes appear in our lives without warning. Friends and family members face challenges, set backs, and sometimes even pass out of our lives before we can make peace with them or find closure in situations that involve other loved ones. Then there are the “Big Questions” that sometimes can keep us awake at night. “Why am I here?” “Why did that have to happen?” “Is God real, and does he care about me?” are all questions that have at one time or another crossed each of our minds.

As a pastor, I have a unique and potentially helpful point of view regarding the challenges and blessings of life. I believe, teach, and counsel that the love of God is real, always present, and can be a transformative power for change in our lives. I believe that Scriptural Truth is always helpful to those who may be temporarily confused or seeking guidance. And I know that God desires one thing above all others, which is to have a deep and intimate relationship with each person His love created and placed upon the Earth. Are you curious about any of this? Let’s talk.

Contact me

I can be reached at the church office by telephone 610-777-8441, or via e-mail at

Blessings on your journey of faith,
Pastor Tamie Scalise