Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

L.I.F.E. Groups

Living in Faith Everyday – Calvary L.I.F.E. Groups

Calvary LIFE groups are small groups of church members that meet on a regular basis to forge God-centered friendships. Small groups help members find a place to be known, develop a sense of belonging, share life experiences, and discern God’s presence in their daily lives. LIFE groups meet weekly or monthly, at the discretion of the group.

LIFE group members can be all men, all women, or couples. The focus of the group meeting can be simply be a devotion with prayer, group discussion about personal endeavors, or it can be a more focused, intentional bible study. New members are encouraged to become part of a LIFE group to help assimilate them into the church body. There are various times to meet to accommodate busy life schedules.

Please contact the church office (610-777-8441) for more specific group leader information.