Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Come to Receive Healing and Peace

Mark your calendar now for an important event sponsored by Lincoln Park, Calvary Mohnton, and St, Matthew’s UMCs:

All the churches and members of the South District of the Eastern PA are planning a very special event which will be held on Wednesday, February 26th at 7PM at Lincoln Park, A Journey of Healing. Healing is a broad topic which can include health, family, relationships, financial, mental health, racism, etc. Certainly, we all need some healing in our personal lives…for our country…and for the world.

PART ONE: Everyone is invited to gather at Lincoln Park for a time of conversation/discussion, in group format, followed by a time of prayer, then everyone will adjourn to the sanctuary for…
PART TWO: A healing service (w/ holy oil anointing, if desired).

For more information about the purpose of our gathering together as Christians for discussion, prayer, and worship, go to: Journey of Healing

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