Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

GSM Orphan Sponsorship

INDIA ORPHANSThe Good Shepherd Mission (GSM) in Puttur, India is a Christian community where individuals can find food, shelter, physical care, and an opportunity for education. Individuals who come to GSM typically have no means of support. Many times their family, health and/or lack of education will not allow them to be self sufficient. Brother Henry Bhasker, and his late wife Viola, started accepting orphans into their own home back in 1978. Since then, many children have been cared for, educated and entered back into the various communities of India as productive members of their society.

All of this outreach to struggling children of God requires funding. While Henry and Viola originally relied on their own income as teachers, it became obvious that the need exceeded their ability to fund the orphanage on their own. The Good Shepherd Mission became a passion for Dr. Charlie Wolfe and his wife, Marianna. Through their efforts, Calvary United Methodist Church and several other congregation and individuals fostered a sponsorship program where we who are more fortunate, can help to cover the cost of an individual who resides at GSM. For a contribution of $25/month, Brother Henry can meet the needs of one of his residents. This opportunity to share in this outreach is open to anyone who feels God nudging them to get involved. You need not be a member of Calvary UMC to be a sponsor.

For more information, or if you would like to sponsor an orphan from the Good Shepherd Mission, please contact Bob Wagner at 610-796-0111.