Weekly worship: 10:30AM Traditional, and on the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month, we also offer a Praise service at 8AM. All are welcome.

Supper Clubs

Supper Club is an opportunity for Calvary members to get to know each other by sharing food and fellowship together in a relaxed environment. Members are put into a small group of 6-8 people (3-4 couples) that meet once every one or two months. The host(s) for the month provide the main dish (or choose the restaurant), while the others provide side dish, appetizer and dessert. Groups that choose to meet at restaurants simply arrange to meet at a certain time, date and place and each party pays for their own meal. Supper Club provides a safe environment for people to meet socially in a more intimate setting outside the regular church hours.

**This ministry is not active at this time.**