Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Adult, Youth & Children’s SS

Join us for Sunday school…All are welcome!

**SS for children & youth only on June 2nd & 9th.  Sunday school for all ages will resume in September.**

All classes begin at 9AM with the adults in the Chapel on the main floor (also offered via Zoom using the following link:  Adult class, and the children and youth meet at 9AM in the lower level of the church in the Youth Room and the side room in the Social Hall.  Everyone will have the opportunity to join in fellowship, learning, and spiritual growth!

CHILDREN & YOUTH are using the Deep Blue, an age/grade adaptable curriculum that focuses on living life faithfully and connecting with God and each other. Utilizing Bible stories, stories about faith leaders, and spiritual practices, children will be empowered to take part in God’s great story! 

Come join us for an hour each week of learning and growth in Christ.

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