Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Lenten Prayer Walk

During the 40 days of Lent, we are asking members & friends of Calvary to sign up to commit to PRAYING for your community on at least one day.  We are hoping that many will actually do a PRAYER WALK (length of time to be determined by each participant; suggested 30 minutes).  If you’d like to walk in Mohnton, consider using the downloadable map below as your pathway, or walk within your own neighborhood.  Pause along the path to notice the people, activities, and the nature around you. Pray for your community in whichever words, thoughts, songs, etc. come to your heart.  Be intentional.  If you are unable to walk outside, then sign up for a day and pray from your home.  Everyone is encouraged to participate!

Two slots for each day have been created online using SignUp Genius. 

Go to: Once you’ve signed up, place a reminder on your calendar or in your phone so you won’t forget! 

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