Sunday, Feb. 9th: All Sunday school classes are now cancelled, and worship will start at 11AM.

Guest Speaker from Good Shepherd Mission

On Sunday, November 5th, 2023, we will welcome Praveen Kumar, son of Bro. Henry Bhasker from the Good Shepherd Mission (GSM) in Puttur, South India, to our pulpit. Praveen will provide an update on the work of GSM and preach the worship message for the morning. Immediately following the service, lunch will be hosted by the Good Shepherd Foundation in Calvary’s lower-level Social Hall. All are welcome to enjoy the meal and fellowship.

Calvary Church has partnered with the Good Shepherd Mission since 1994. From then until now, along with other churches and individuals, we support the missional work of GSM to the very poor and marginalized in rural southern India. For more information, go to our website page at Good Shepherd Mission, India

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